Get a new qualification in spiritual blog reading! details here:

After lengthy protracted and often difficult negotiations, (and one of the reasons why I’ve been a little quieter on here than usual). I have a little announcement;

Learning from the streets is proud to announce a new partnership with Cleveland college. I can also announce a breakthrough pioneering course that will become available in the north east this year.


After the proliferation of spiritually related blogs, from ‘Babylon bee’ to ‘the gospel coalition’, ‘learning from the streets’ and many others in-between, the time is right for it to be possible to gain accreditation after reading, consuming and learning from all these digitally articulated spiritual web sites. No longer does the sacred myth emanate from ancient texts alone. Image result for blog

And now you can

From September 2019, thanks to Cleveland college and their significantly talented arts, digital and faith department. You will be able to undertake a BA degree in ‘digital articulation (with) superficial spirituality’

In effect, it is a course in which you can study and reference all digitally articulated blogs and articles that claim to be spiritual, including I might add, this one, in order to gain a Bachelor award. Image result for studying

As you might imagine, this is a massive step forward internationally in recognising the spirituality of blog writing and reading, giving us professionals in the field part acknowledgement for the efforts made to spew spiritual recommendations into the online world.

Applications can be made for the BA (digital articulation (with) superficial spirituality) from today and do apply soon as places are bound to be filled quickly.

The BA course, internally its being calling BADASS for short, will include the following modules which can be taken up to 360 credits on a flexible two or three year basis, with an essential dissertation to be completed. These details are below:

Diploma- year 1

1. Digital communication and spirituality or ‘how to get loads of reads and views using a controversial title’.

2. The history of blogging in the context of faith based written guidance. From Paul’s letters to the gospel coalitions articles, this will give students opportunities to ask the question: ‘what went so wrong’ with the message of the gospel.?

Each candidate must complete coursework and a final year exam. A number of resources are available. At the end of the first year students, having studied blogs for a year are given a digital detox. And encouraged to read a book. And soak their head in a bucket of vinegar.

Year 2 – Degree level

Module 3. The culture of spiritual blogs and their effect on the church.

Module 4. ‘Is it all ego?’ This fourth module option looks at the psychology of those who write spiritual blogs and what the effect is on them

Students will be encourage in their second year to begin critically analysing spiritually themed blogs ahead of their dissertation submission which can be present in their second or third year.

The principle question for the dissertation will be:

‘How far down a spiritual blog do people realise that it’s an April fool?’

This title will bring to the fore the skills required for critical thinking and recovering truth from bullshit in blogs. Using the annual April fools day japery as as a theme, students will present a 15,000 word essay, and 2000 word blog piece on this subject. To pass the course student must get their blog post read by over 3000 people.

If this interests you, don’t delay. Apply now. For detail ring 0104 0002019 and ask for Dee Gital .

Apply now for your BADASS qualification now!


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