Confessions of a young youth minister (2) – The Calamitous ‘Residential’

When we were young, a residential was just the thing to help us all bond together

Taking them out of their normal environment will do them and you good

Oh those words.

The more pertinent words are, however, from when I turned up early at church, having had no sleep and , even in the days before easy communication, the kindly members of the congregation said

So they ran you a bit ragged last night did they?

This is the second of my ‘Confessions of a young youth minister’ pieces, and it is about a calamitous residential.

On paper it was a great idea. No it wasnt.

On paper it was a terrible idea. It was an idea based upon ‘previous experience’ – and with no actual sensible thinking at all. One even beyond considering it a ‘learning experience’.

For about 4 months, my team and I, after arriving in Hartlepool (see part 1) had begun an open drop in type youth club, which included about 8-9 12-14 year old girls who were on the fringe of the church and their friends, and 8-10, maybe more, 12-15 year old boys from ‘the estate’. Not just ‘the estate’ either, but somewhat notorious on the estate.

We tried. To the best of an ability and experience that was sorely lacking at the time, silly games and icebreakers and ‘god-slot’ moral talks were all opportunities for continued disruption, attention and..after 2-3 months we were exasperated.

So – why not do a residential? – Was the suggestion put to us…this was the kind of thing we used to do in the 1970’s , take the kids on a minibus to somewhere away.

But this wasnt a minibus, or a trip.

This was to the house of one of the church elders, who had been ‘that youthworker’ in the 1970’s, 60’s and 50’s.

We received the consent forms, probably fraudulent, and probably grateful – a 3 line slip on the bottom of an A4 sheet.

We didnt know where we were going, aside from the address.

It wasnt a ‘fun’ place – just a house on another estate in the town – an equally notorious estate.

So we took 8 13-14 year olds, very aggressive, cunning, clever, manipulative, ‘already on the police radar’ boys on a walk from their estate, to a house we’d never been to, 2 miles through town, and getting there realised that any bit of planning was going straight out of the window.

And we did plan, because though I dont remember the journey to the house, I remember that we carried items for games and food, I think.

And it was predictable chaos.

For 4 hours the boys just run around the house.

And through windows, and breaking back in through windows, and down the street, and back again.

Unless the food was being served.

Then they’d lock themselves in rooms, in spaces and hide away.

For 7 hours solid, from around 8pm to 4am, this was the pattern.

It was a residential where it was like being in a prison. In someone else house, with young criminals tearing it apart.

Give them credit, they were enjoying themselves. Give them even more credit they knew how to work in a team far better than the three of us leaders. Team work where two would play up, distract and then others would join in. Where three would run around the house, whilst others stole items, or where they would open windows and doors for each other.

And ill not mention all the activities that went on in the toilets.

Far far too clever for us.

It was pointless trying to get any sleep. Utterly pointless.

So we cut our losses and rationalised, at 5am..

So in the end, I, on my own, walked maybe 4 of the most notorious ones back to their estate, not far from the team house, at around 5.30am, through the streets of hartlepool. Not before they’d ran off completely I think. Not before id considered my life choices at that time.

Not before id already began to realise that ‘what was good for me, or worked for other young people in days gone by, may not work right now’ – though im not sure many residential occur in other peoples houses, with this level of naivety.

I got back to the house at around 6am, slept a few hours then turned up for church.

So, in hindsight , what am I confessing here?

Partly its something about being able to not say ‘no’ at the time, when the ‘great idea’ of a residential was put forward. It really wasnt. Partly its a confession about not knowing what to do, but wanting to do something, and this was so off the mark. Yes, we did get to know the lads even more, but only really in ways that revealed their more destructive sides. Maybe its a confession too about still trying to have plans and programmes and try and entertain out educate young people, even try and have control in an environment, be a leader – when a different approach was required. But I really didn’t know that at the time.

Confessions of a Youth minister part 2, is about the time of the Calamitous residential. I know im not alone in this…

From Isolation to Community; 5 questions with Author Jenni Osborn

From Isolation to Community: Youth Work in the Covid Era and Beyond by [Jenni Osborn]



In the month of the release of her new book, From Isolation to Community: Youthwork in the Covid era and beyond, I caught up with my friend Jenni Osborn to ask her about what the book is about, and what readers of it can expect, here are my 5 questions with Jenni I hope you enjoy!

So Jenni, What’s It About?

The book is about youth work during covid, it tells the story of what youth workers up and down the country have been doing during the pandemic to keep in contact with and sustain relationships with the young people they have been working with. I spoke to a lot of those working with young people in different contexts, some of whom were friends and others who responded to the various cries for help on social media! All of whom were inspiring in some way or other. I reflect on the work, and also begin to talk about what needs to happen next. It’s really hard to see where this pandemic might end, or at least how we might learn to live with it as we do for flu or other highly infectious diseases. But we can begin to consider what sort of a world we want to rebuild and hopefully I’ve begun this conversation.

What prompted you to write it?

It was actually because I began a podcast in the summer of 2020, with the theme of supporting those who support young people and so was talking to many amazing youth workers who were telling me their stories about the work they had carried on doing all through the pandemic. I began to think that someone should try and capture the stories. I had been considering writing another book, after the Grove Booklet on Mental Health and Young People which was published in 2019, and this felt like the right time to do that. It all came together very quickly in the end.

and what did you discover?

One of the things that really stood out to me was just how fascinating it is to hear the stories of what has been happening. My aim was to gather these but I hope that being given the opportunity to tell the story was encouraging for each of the people I spoke to, and I hope that reading about what others have been doing is inspiring. Some of my favourite stories have included hearing a real life ‘School of Rock’ story of how a youth worker new in post at the start of the pandemic inadvertently ended up taking on the youth band and this has broken down all sorts of barriers; then also the groups running in Cardiff who were given seeds to begin growing in their own gardens or window boxes and who have ended up growing food that the young people never thought they would do, this organisation have been given a ‘secret garden’ in the grounds of Cardiff Castle to create an allotment/garden and I would love to go and see what they’re doing!

Was it all just food deliveries and zoom? 

Of course, across the different organisations there were both similarities and differences. The provision of food in one form or another was a strong theme, as were doorstep deliveries of packages, as was the ubiquitous Zoom. There was a surprising mix of response to using Zoom – some groups had found it almost impossible to engage any of their young people through video conferencing whereas others found that it broke down some of the barriers around accessibility for young people to join in with something they might otherwise have struggled to attend.

I talk in the book about the different ‘ways’ of doing online youth work. I think it’s important to note that online does not always mean video conferencing calls in small groups but can also mean streaming content via Instagram or YouTube, it might mean producing Reels or TikTok videos, Facebook Lives or interaction through any number of gaming platforms or indeed using Discord, which is a 3rd party chat app, to call friends whilst gaming. There is no question that ‘online’ youth work is now an essential part of our youth work practice and I don’t think we should drop this entirely in favour of face to face, unmediated by screens and servers. A balance is required however, because there is no doubt that human beings were created for eye to eye contact, physical interaction and the warmth of in close proximity community, much of which is impossible with online interaction.

What about outdoor youthwork, wasn’t it safer than inside? 

I also talk about outdoor education or youth work – ostensibly this has been the preserve of the Scouts, Guides plus the myriad of other uniformed organisations and adventure organisations like The Outward Bound Trust. I think this is something we all need to consider, not just because it’ll be the most ‘covid secure’ way of getting together for some time to come, but also because of what someone else recently described to me as the ‘magical idea of young people going for a walk with a trusted adult’. Being outdoors in the natural world is good for us, on so many levels, we’ve been broadly discouraged from being outdoors and seeing other people for the past year and that will have taken its toll on us all, including young people whose residual fitness levels might have dropped through the floor, whose anxiety levels about being outside and possibly ‘bumping into’ other people have gone the other way, right through the ceiling. As a long-time champion of young people’s sense of wellbeing, these things trouble me and while we have the opportunity to begin to think about what our youth work might look like in the immediate future, we ought to be considering these things.

and where can we find your book?

It’s available in Kindle format on Amazon here soon to be available in paperback format too!


Thank you for sharing this Jenni, do buy her book and enjoy reading the experiences of other youth workers in the UK in the last year, in a way its a historical snapshot of youthwoork at this time. From Isolation to Community , how youth workers responded during this time. If Covid has prompted and urged a development of community, in a time when youth work had started to revolve around individuals, case working and certification, then a push to community and awareness of this importance may just be a good thing.

In Praise of Youth works influential (often invisible) Women

A few weeks ago, there was a bit of a discussion, may be caused by me, on the number of women in youth ministry who have been able to or been involved in publishing theological or theoretical books, and whether Youth Ministry is too American and too male. Whether publishing is the way to influence, or whether there are many many reasons is a piece for another day. Not to mention ‘what youth ministry’ actually is. But it is a Friday. The end of a long week.

And this week, on a similar theme, I have been reading the following book, another free one as it was being cleared out from the Religious resources centre in the north east, they’re fabulous as they keep me a pile of any youth work books that theyre about to throw out (might start my own library)..

The best thing about books is learning something new, or in equal measure in the case of this one, learning about someone new.

And , to be quite honest with you, in this book I found a new hero. I fell in love.

I fell in love with a lady called Josephine Macalister Brew.

A woman, who I confess, I had never heard of, until i read chapter 13 of the above book. A woman who was one of many who was highly influential in the development of youthwork in the 1940’s-1960’s. A woman who was an educationalist, who was thoughtful, who it was said had a lightness of touch in her writing and yes was critical, and who held onto faith.

If we are not in youth work because of our love of our fellow men we have no business there at all. This burning love of humanity always meets with response, though not always in the ways we most care for, but nowadays as much youth work is ruined by too much restraint as by too much exuberance. Fear to exert undue influence, fear to assert authority when necessary, conscientious scruples about this and that – are all contributory factors. But young people want to know where they are and they need the friendship of those who have confidence and faith. (Brew 1957: 112-3)

I need to read more of her work to do her justice, and I’m grateful that you can read more about her in this piece: Josephine Brew and Informal education so that you can be as inspired and bathe in her profound, compassionate, yet passionate insights into youthwork. I was interested to read that the much heralded ‘Informal education’ by Jeffs and Smith (1999) was a cover.. and that Josephine Brew had already written a book with that title.. read the link and find it for yourself…

But this got me thinking, I hadn’t heard of Josephine Macalister Brew. Who else haven’t I heard of? and…. if I hadn’t heard of her, are there other significantly influential women who have shaped youthwork practice in the UK that others may not have done?

So, starting with Brew, above, here is my list of 5 other significant women who have influenced me in the history of UK youthwork, from their action that inspires, their writing and their influence, some you may not have heard of, others you might.

1 & 2. Maude Stanley and Ellen Ranyard : For anyone who has thought through the history of detached youthwork, these two women feature heavily. It was they who began, in one form or another to provide non building related health services to people in London in the 1860’s on wards. Today we might call them community nurses or matrons, they used the term district nursing, or Bible nursing, and whilst we might find issue with some of the ethics of their practices, what cannot be questioned is their dedication and heart for the poorest, most infirm in society, and the dedication to get out of the cosy building and meet people in their homes.

ellen ranyard, 'bible women' and informal education

For more on Maude Stanley and her setting up of girls clubs in soho, see this link : Maude Stanley On Ellen Ranyard, see here: Bible Nursing

3. Hannah More. If you think about the history of Sunday Schools in the UK, you might mostly think Robert Raikes, and this is pretty accurate given his role in developing them. However, you would do well to include the name of Hannah More in the development of them too. For reasons explained in this article , Hannah More used her knowledge and power, and influence within the church (albeit controversial at times, how things have changed…) and fought to encourage the expansion of Sunday schools in the UK.

Hannah More - Wikimedia Commons. Images by unknown engravers, and thus are PD due to age, per the relevant British legislation.

Her desire for them, was based upon the compassion she experienced in situations like this:

… we found more than 2,000 people in the parish, almost all very poor—no gentry, a dozen wealthy farmers, bard, brutal and ignorant.. . . We went to every house in the place, and found every house a scene of the greatest vice and ignorance. We saw but one Bible in all the parish, and that was used to prop a flower-pot. No clergyman had resided in it for forty years. One rode over from Wells to preach once each Sunday. No sick were visited, and children were often buried without any funeral service. (from H. Thompson, (1838) Life of Hannah More quoted by Young and Ashton 1956: 237-8)

In describing the nature of More, and the Sunday school she set up in cheddar, Mark Smith writes: ‘ The significance of Hannah and Martha More’s activities with regard to Sunday schooling lay in the pedagogy they developed; the range of activities they became involved in; and the extent to which publicity concerning their activities encouraged others to develop initiatives. Hannah and Martha More attempted to make school sessions entertaining and varied. We can see this from the outline of her methods published in Hints on how to run a Sunday School (and reported in Roberts 1834). Programmes had to be planned and suited to the level of the students; there needed to be variety; and classes had to be as entertaining as possible (she advised using singing when energy and attention was waning). She also argued that it was possible to get the best out of children if their affections ‘were engaged by kindness’. Furthermore, she made the case that terror did not pay (Young and Ashton 1956: 239). However, she still believed it was a ‘fundamental error to consider children as innocent beings’ rather than as beings of ‘a corrupt nature and evil dispositions’ (More 1799: 44, quoted by Thompson 1968: 441)’

Hannah More, known by Wilberforce and part of the group demanding change in the Anglican church towards social justice, and putting it into practice in Cheddar gorge.

4. Joan Tash

For me Joan Tash is one half of the dynamic 1960s duo, Goetschius and Tash, who wrote up their experiences of developing a detached youthwork/ outreach project in a london borough by the YWCA. Working with Unnattached Youth (1967) is that book, for me its virtually the Bible of detached youthwork, though I may now revise giving Tash all my hero status, (now that I have found Brew). But Joan Tash, (and George Goetschius) writing in that book alone, has i my opinion been barely superceded, in terms of detail, insight and thought in regard to the issues, challenges and scenarios of detached youthwork faced by them over the course of 5 years. They pioneered thinking about groups, values, community, supervision (ill get to that later), faith, training, and power, relationships in youthwork. When i say pioneered, it is as much that so much of what they said may not have been new, but written down in this book, with such evidence of practice included in such a painstaking, detailed way is hugely important. Many of their ideas have been used since (such as Heather Smiths work on Relationships), or values in community work developed elsewhere. Tash, like Brew, became significantly influential in the early development of the youth service. Working with the unattached is still i believe under valued in the history of youth work, and also in the field of christian faith based work.

As an educator, Tash lectured and was senior tutor at the YMCA college, and her extensive work on the supervision of youthworkers has influenced so many since. I can only imagine that 5 years of detached youthwork gave her the insight into the importance of it… im sure those who heard her lectures might agree…

Do have a read of Joan Tash, again, Mark Smith has written of her in this fascinating piece

5. The following Women, are to my knowledge all still alive. And so, their names have not yet been written up into youthwork legend status. Some of them, I know personally, some i dont so well. I have found their writing influential in my thinking about young people and youthwork, and so I hope that you might do too, there are no links for these women, just a hope that you might give their work some time and invest in it.

Johanna Wyn (& Rob White) ‘ Rethinking Youth’, 1999. If you are in any way serious about young people and thinking about them especially in culture. (Youth ministry colleagues especially, its all about youth culture, isnt it..) then to get a different view on much that is taken for granted about young people and culture, give this book a read. I implore you.

Kerry YoungThe Art of Youthwork’ 1999 & 2006. A book so influential in youthwork it has now had 2 editions. Nuff said. A must read. Its a must read every year. Covers everything from values, virtues, philosophy and ethics. Just read it.

Annette Coburn (and David Wallace) ‘Youth work in Communities and schools’ (2011) As Allan Clyne and I agree, this is one of the few books recently that has started to frame youth work in a constructive way (and not just moan about its status or give the rose tinted specs of the past) . Her definitions are helpful and theres a fair inclusion of detached youthwork in this piece as well as schools and community work generally, so, whilst Scottish based (and this makes it less relevant for some) it is definitely worth reflecting on.

Heather Smith – On relationships in Youthwork. During my honours writing a few years ago on mentoring relationships i encountered Heather smiths pieces on Infed, and then her chapter on youthwork relationships in ‘Engaging in Conversation’ in Jeffs & Smith (2011). She understandably credits Goetschius and Tash for original insight, but i use her writing on relationships and conversation alot in helping others think through these things when i deliver detached youthwork training. So, for me, influential. This article on seeking out authenticity in youthwork relationships is one to reflect on over a coffee today… go on…

There may be a number of women I have missed, there will be, and creditable mention to Tania de st Croix, Naomi Thompson and Sally Nash who have influenced me in a number of ways, in my youthwork vocation, and friends such as Helen Gatenby and Gemma Dunning who have inspired me alot in the last 5 years. This isnt a roll call necessarily and its not to embarass or annoy anyone, and thats the problem with starting a piece like this, there will be names I might miss out. Maybe thats always going to happen, I just know who the people are who have influenced my practice, their writing and their support, encouragement and it is these i give credit to. And i hope that some of these women are as inspiring and influential to you, i hope like Brew for me, one or two surprise you.

30 scenarios in Christian youth work or ministry that are impossible to avoid

I am sadly, in the process of moving from one role and job within christian youthwork, to a period of ‘between jobs’ , though there are a few things on the table as it were, but not confirmed as yet. And its not an easy time, but it did cause me to reflect on the fact that being at the end of a job, or being asked to move on is one aspect of christian youth work that is in the ‘difficult to avoid’ category. In fact, many messages of support to me recently have been just that, that this kind of situation happens to us all. But i wonder, what might be other aspects of christian youth ministry that are as difficult to avoid?

  1. Its impossible to avoid ever being asked what a youth worker is, or does, and then replying back with what a youthworker isnt.
  2. Its impossible to avoid the gravitational pull within christian youthwork to the practices and all its pulling power (lights, branding, culture, stuff) of evangelical youth ministry. This might be in the form of influencing local leaders or directly to young people via advertising in ‘other ‘ stuff. This is important, as what is happening is that young persons spirituality is up for grabs.
  3. In the same way its impossible to avoid being told how someone elses youth ministry was successful because they did X and Y better and have a ministry of millions and a multi million pound book deal, and a youtube channel. When a persons ministry has left behind young people a long while ago.
  4. In youth work it is impossible to avoid the panic of a few no showing volunteers 10 minutes before a session. It will happen.
  5. Its impossible to avoid being short of funding.
  6. Its impossible to avoid trying to convince a church of your worth – via the numbers game. Equally its impossible to go through youth ministry in the UK and not be told of that ‘300’ statistic of young people leaving the church back in the 1980s.
  7. Its impossible to avoid being in the middle of the conversations when young people are absent, or talked about, and being the representative for the young people, their voice being absent.
  8. Its impossible to avoid poor management by clergy. Sorry, but itll happen. Expect it and work with them.
  9. Its impossible to avoid power struggles in the church or organisation. Power is everywhere.
  10. Its impossible to avoid the rise smile when those in youth work tell new volunteers how amazing and exciting it all is, when you know its not like that all the time.
  11. Its impossible to avoid the pressure to have the worlds most eclectic DVD or Ipod selection.
  12. Its impossible to avoid being told by experts who dont know your context how to do ministry with their resources in your context.
  13. Its impossible to avoid the ongoing navigation of personal and professional time, and how to be faithful in ministry and keep work-life balance. no it is pretty difficult.
  14. Its impossible to avoid the need to say no to people, to delegate and give others back their jobs and roles, but in reality the easiest thing to do is to say yes.
  15. Its impossible to avoid nowadays the need to be online, and be part of the conversations in youth ministry practice that emanate from blogs, articles and magazines. Though sometimes it is better to read an actual book.
  16. Its impossible to avoid being compared to the previous youthworker in a post.
  17. Its impossible to avoid feel impatient when the busy season is over, long for the quiet periods, but thrive when its busy and crave it.
  18. Its impossible to avoid the church you work for asking you to do the thing the church down the road is doing without thinking that its what the young people actually want to do.
  19. Its impossible to avoid getting into an argument with someone about keys and cupboards, or about milk, tea and use of the church fridge or office, tidyness of desk, or communication with the admin or church comms department about the notice sheet.
  20. Its impossible to avoid thinking that you might have failed when young people stop coming to your group- you havent, probably,  But it is worth asking the question and why and reflecting on the group, not just blaming the individual.
  21. Its impossible to avoid trying to be the entertainer for a while, but you soon get out of it, once you realise you cant keep it up. Though you can manage to keep it up if you only ever encounter different audiences of young people, but that isnt youth work, thats an itinerant preacher to young people.
  22. Its impossible to keep up working at over 60 hours a week for more that 2 or 3, so avoid it.
  23. its impossible to avoid being in a time when people share stories of ministry where someone isnt embellishing the success/numbers/influence of their ministry.
  24. Its impossible to avoid ethical decisions about good practice versus the kind of ministry that people can see ( ie that young people come to an event)
  25. Its impossible to avoid being asked ‘when are you going to get a proper job’
  26. its impossible to avoid being one of these stereotypes:
  27. Its impossible not to resist the temptation to use a funny clip when you’re communicating something, just ram the point home. But then your words feel a little boring in comparison, after which the (young) people just want more funny clips.
  28. It is impossible to avoid an ethical issue about the way young people communicate via social media and your church or agency who dont understand it.
  29. It is impossible to avoid a situation especially in a church setting where paperwork and contracts seem haphazard, yet they have been ready for you, but paperwork is lacking.
  30. It is impossible to avoid thinking ‘but its not about getting young people into church‘ – but not always saying out loud.

So here are 30 i can think of, many of which have happened to me, or youth workers that i know and have spoken to over the last 10 years, yet I imagine there might be other ‘impossible to avoid’ scenarios in youth work and ministry. Please do write further ones here in the comments and share. What else in youth ministry is difficult or impossible to avoid?

Making the transition (2) – from scripted to improvised youthwork

In a real sense the following incident became something of an epiphany moment for me as a faith-based youthworker. Sometime around 2005 I was involved in being the church based youth work student for a church in Scotland, whilst also studying for my Youth work 7 applied theology course at ICC (now SCCM) Glasgow.

Up to this point most of my experience in the previous 5 years had been in church orientated work, and so was orientated around existing activities, such as groups in buildings. As the worker my role was to lead the group sessions where up to 10 young people would gather. And though I mellowed, I was pretty neurotic about it. In a way because i had the time to dedicate to it during the week, I would plan the session to the minute or so or my material, which included games, and activities and discussion. I would, with a few helpers, be effectively the conductor, the leader of this performance, that was in all honestly looking back a highly scripted affair, the only gap being ‘break time’ for tuck shop.

Regardless of the reasons for this type of work, what was difficult was shaking myself, and itself from quite a rigid programmed structure. How I changed, and it changed stemmed from this moment;

The epiphany moment occurred as a result of the church’s geographic situation. It had a couple of flat roofed buildings and was set into the side of a steep ish hill, this meant that from the back of the building it was relatively easy for young people to climb over the railings of a path and onto the church roof. Also it had a concrete paved front area which was a perfect rectangle to be played football in by young people from the flats opposite.  They werent involved in the current youth provision, as you might imagine, they didnt ‘fit’ – another story.

As you might imagine, having young people climb on the roof, even just to stray wayward footballs. Or the issue of the odd broken pane of glass became an issue. But for me as a youthworker, I continually asked the question – these are young people – and what must i, or we as a church, do to accommodate them, when they are already here using the building, albeit from the outside?

One Friday evening i took a risk, a calculated one, but a good one.

I thought i would pretend to go to the church, to open up and do something in the building, and if young people were playing football id offer them a drink or something, at least that would be something to start the conversation. So, i parked the car, and noticed there were 5-6 of them kicking a ball around, and as i was opening up the church door, I turned back, to them and introduced myself as the local youthworker, gave my name, and offered them drinks. It was slightly planned, but very much a risk. Very much improvised.

Over a cup of Irn Bru ( yes, failed on health grounds, but the culture dictated it..), the boys and I had conversation, they told me about where they lived, what they liked to do, stuff about their families, school – nothing too amazing, but it was obvious that they felt more comfortable in the space of the concrete paving than i did ( and I was the church youthworker) – and during the unscripted conversation i got to know them, about them, more than some of the young people for whom i was meant to be ‘doing youthwork with’ – during the conversation we still kicked the ball around, football is a great distraction from conversation too (its needed if things start to get intense). All the while i was thinking – what do i ask, how shall i ask it, where is this going – what ultimately can I, or this church offer…

Then the young people asked about me, about what i did, and they asked about coming actually inside the church – they had never been actually inside the building, only played outside, or shouted at from inside to clear off, so, yes, breaking all the rules, and being completely unsafe, they had a quick tour of the building. Only quick mind you, as by now i was still pretty frought with worry about if they damage something – even though i felt i could trust them, i was still taking a risk. They left, calmly, and we continued to play football outside for a short while.

I would love to tell you that this was the beginnings of a long term ministry for this church amongst this group of young people. Actually what happened was that the church embarked upon a ministry of painting stronger vandal paint, barbed wire and also planting trees in the courtyard. At upcoming meetings when i proposed further work with these young people it was talked down. Needless to say i left soon after. It was an indictment then, and continues to be on the primary focus that churches have on how and who they work with. My focus was to be on young people whom the church already had, apparently, not those that break its windows.

What i reflected on at the time, for college, and what i continue to do, is the transition from group work that is one type of education, to group work of another, and the transition of the role of the youth worker, which was scripted around setting and directing a programme – to making the move to start a conversation, but not know what would happen. If i believed the hype about these young people- or at least what those inside the church said about them- then i shouldnt be here- they were seen as that kind of threat. Buildings were to be protected, and groups solidify themselves if outsiders are perceived as threats.  Yet that was not my experience of them, they, in 30 minutes were more honest about themselves, relaxed, funny and appreciative of the attention.

Yet that was not my experience of them, they, in 30 minutes were more honest about themselves, relaxed, funny and appreciative of the attention than sometimes groups inside buildings are – who can have high expectations.

Moving into their space – rather than inviting them to the existing groups – involved a personal transition- from programmed, to planned but improvised, taking a risk in what i knew, in what happen in the empty space of the time, in what might be said, or reactions.  I had to adjust what and how i might say something – if anything i had to treat them with more respect as people- than the young people in groups who could actually be highly manipulated and talked down to – if i so wished. Ie – i could get 14 year olds to play ‘silly’ icebreaker games, as per fun & humiliation – for 11 year olds outside i asked polite questions and had a conversation to get to know them. There was something of a reality in the space outside, and if there was reality outside, there was something of a falseness inside. Not that it was false, but roles were performed in the space that felt false. Theatrically the masks of the culture were all around.

Leaving the space empty, to trust in the conversation is a big leap. Maing that transition from programming the space to being in the space and creating the space with young people is a risk – but and for some youthworkers the transition is difficult to do. But for me, this incident with the football, the irn bru on a friday evening was an epiphany moment in making that transition. An epiphany moment that started me to trust the conversation with young people in the empty space. Transitioning from scripted to improvised.

The fact that i would go on to see 2 of these boys regularly over the next 6 years whilst on a detached youthwork project in the same vicinity was a bonus. And proved the value in treating them appropriately in this moment.

Yesterday i heard of a minister who was suprised at the conversations she had when she spent an hour of her day walking through the shopping centre, being around people and in the space. Maybe a numbered church – needs an outnumbered (improvised TV show) response to the world.

Making the transition from programmed to improvised – a dangerous one – because i havent gone back.

The Waste of talented young people should bother us more than wasted food.

Genuinely, the work that local heroes in Durham like Nikki Dravers has done, in setting up a business (Re-f-use) to recycle food that was going to be wasted is amazing. Challenging the mindset of Durham restaurants and supermarkets through grassroots publicity and awareness raising is truly excellent. Its a gradual mood that is becoming more and more prominent, this nation is wasting food by the truck load, even tonight the Guardian ran this piece suggesting that the equivalent of 113m meals is wasted by Tesco per year alone. A man shopping

Its an issue that, given most of us have dabbled with food porn on Bake off, left 1/2 a pizza in a restaurant, or have chucked away out of date yoghurts, we can all relate to, and should do something about.

But what about the wasted talent in this country?

Only last week I was in a town in the north of England and a school teachers said to me that they have lots of young people who have leadership skills, but no where to express them. And thats just the young people who are in the school. That is tragic.

Every week on the streets of Durham, or from the reflections of staff members, we as youth workers are faced with the crude reality that in one community alone swathes of unrealised talent, gifts and skills of young people will be left dormant. For, in many cases their lives cope in survival mode. Surviving home, surviving school, surviving bullying, surviving responsibility, surviving gossip. Not thriving, but having to be strong to survive, not growing and learning and creativity, music, arts or sports – but coping.

The wasted talent, gifts and abilities in this country should make the headlines, not just the wasted food, but that young people have not been able to flourish in their communities to something like what they could be more capable of given opportunities afforded to others. These are the young people who will get left further behind. Left behind unfulfilled. Creativity wasted.

Today, sadly Bob Holman died, at the end of ‘Kids at the door’ in which he reflected on the progress of many of the young poeple whom were encountered during his time at the southdown project in Bath, he said this of a young person , Daniel, who sadly ended up in Prison; ‘ Daniels life has been characterised by unhappy personal relationships, by drug abuse and violence. Daniel is as valuable as anyone else. God has a special concern for those who lacked privileges and luxuries. The project was right to give of itself to Daniel, not because it would chalk up success, but that he was a valuable young person who needed adults who could offer him the guidance and the affection which is found in a resourceful friendship’ (kids at the door, revisited, 2000)

Today (Aug 1st, 2016) a report is announced that it costs the UK economy £78 billion, for issues and consequences of poverty. Yet wasting food became an issue a few weeks ago, its never about the wasted talent of young people due to poverty, but the cost of it to the economy.

The gauntlet has been laid down to the multi nationals on food waste, the movement to reduce this is gathering momentum quick. The wasted talent, gifts and abilities of young people is too hidden, too hard to find, too difficult to harness. Bananas in tescos are far easier.

Not to mention plastics in the ocean. And I am all for reducing waste, reducing pollution please please do not mishear me. But animal charities get 4-5x more donations than people based charities. If David attenbrough did a documentary about young people instead of oceans..?

As youth workers, despite the temptations to do otherwise, nurturing and encouraging the gifts, talents and skills that young people have driven on by helping young people flourish and have life in fullness has got to be and continues to be a main priority. Someone to encourage a young person, to identify their possibility, someone to dare to dream with a young person. Someone to interject hope into their lives.

“There is no change without dream, as there is no dream without hope” Freire


Sharing Youthwork Stories

Has a youthworker changed your life?  Whats your story and did a youthworker have an impact upon you, for a moment, for a long period of time or ongoing even now?

One of the projects that is ongoing right now by Bernard Davies and the IDYW campaign is to gather stories of change, of moments when lives have been changed because of youthwork, and gather stories, mostly in conjunction with current practitioners. Well, what about if you were a young person and benefitted from a youthworker?

Well, unfortunately, if you’re reading this as an adult, and once visited a youth club, chances are that youth club has now closed. Chances are that those youthworkers have been guided towards working with young people on specific programmes. The days of open youth clubs are almost over, unless that is if you encountered youthwork in the church or the voluntary sector. Some of these places for youthwork still remain, however, I wondered whether, if a youthworker had an impact on your life, helped to intervene, helped you to make decisions, gave you something positive, I wondered whether you would be prepared to share your story, share it so that in print, there are several moments recollected where the profession of youthwork has impacted positively on people growing up in the UK over the last 100 years.

So, if you’re now playing wembley stadium, because a youthworker believed in you to play or sing, or gave you space to practice, or if you’re following your dreams, or developed new gifts, or thought about something differently, met your life partner at a youth club, or changed your political view, or changed the world, whatever it was, believed in you, fought for you, heard your voice, would you be prepared to share your story of how this happened? and what the impact a youthworker had upon your life in that?  You can remain confidential if you want, or alternatively share your details so that you can encourage the youthworker that helped.

It would be fantastic to hear from people who attended youth clubs, met youthworkers on the streets, in drop-ins, or community centres, churches or somewhere else.

Over the course of the rest of the year from today, 1st March, would you be prepared to share your story here?  Theyll all be collated in the ‘Youthwork stories’ topic, and shared on this blog.

Contact me via email, or via the feedback form on this website. I promise to only share the story as you have written it, after all its your story.

Lets share the positive stories of youthwork in the UK and what it has done to change lives. If one day someone reads them they might retract all the policies that have decimated youthwork, and realise the good it did.

Who’s going first?